The Conservation serving the local economy
The Concession team is busy launching economic alternatives projects, an ideal opportunity to celebrate the transition from the work done over the past two years on endangered species conservation.
For the past two years, Steffanny Bashi, a forestry engineer from Envol Vert, has been going into the field to promote the protection and recovery of threatened tree species such as mahogany and cumula. After several visits to the CCYM, Steffanny has succeeded in establishing a relationship of trust with the communities bordering the reserve. These numerous workshops on conservation awareness, recognition of threatened trees and identification of sustainable economic alternatives related to these species provided an opportunity to meet and continue activities. In addition to the economic alternatives identified, her work has highlighted the needs and desires of the communities, a work that has helped to broaden the scope of possible socio-economic development projects in favour of conservation.

(Manilkara bidentata)
This October will see the first conservation-related economic alternatives Féria in the CCYM. This will be an ideal opportunity to present the many sustainable business opportunities offered by the reserve to the local inhabitants in a more formal and entertaining way, while at the same time reinforcing learning about endangered species. We hope that this event will respond to their request and motivate the inhabitants to work together for the conservation of this exceptional site.